CouchDB is a database that completely embraces the web. Store your data with JSON documents. Access your documents and query your indexes with your web browser, via HTTP. Index, combine, and transform your documents with JavaScript. CouchDB works well with modern web and mobile apps. You can even serve web apps directly out of CouchDB. And you can distribute your data, or your apps, efficiently using CouchDB’s incremental replication. CouchDB supports master-master setups with automatic conflict detection.
PouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database inspired by Apache CouchDB that is designed to run well within the browser.
PouchDB was created to help web developers build applications that work as well offline as they do online.
It enables applications to store data locally while offline, then synchronize it with CouchDB and compatible servers when the application is back online, keeping the user’s data in sync no matter where they next login.
Config directory of CouchDB on the Mac
There’s a local.ini file contained inside the Application Package of Couchdb. That file seems to be a starting point but is not used any further. All changes you make, will be stored under
~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/etc/couchdb
PouchDB Query filtering using _
For all people out there using PouchDB and wondering why there queries don’t return the correct result.
This is copied from the document written by Nolan Lawson, one of the creators of couchdb.
allDocs({startkey: 'album_', endkey: 'album__'});
Be aware that _ is after a-z but before A-Z, so upper case can break that query.